By October 28, 2021

Person-centered treatment helps provide treatment modalities that are most suited to the individual. For example, those with co-occurring mental health disorders typically require integrated substance use and mental health treatment—known as dual diagnosis treatment—to fully recover. A chronic severe alcoholic is a person who is physically alcohol dependent and experiences severe withdrawal symptoms if they attempt to quit.

People with acquired inebriety often have histories of physical disorders, particularly dyspepsia (i.e., indigestion), bad nutrition, and exhaustion from unhygienic living conditions or stressful work environments. Conversely, hereditary causes include constitutional conditions, such as distinct neurotic and psychopathic disorders that often are traceable to ancestors. More than 80% of this group experiences acute alcohol withdrawal and persistent efforts to cut down, and more than 90% experience drinking despite the problems it causes them and drinking larger amounts and for longer than intended.

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Some of the types describe people dealing with fewer mental health issues outside of their alcohol abuse, whereas others suffer from depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and more. The first subtype of alcoholism is the young adult subtype, also called the young alcoholic. The NIAAA researchers found that there were five distinct patterns of alcohol dependence. In this article, we will discuss the different types and subtypes of alcoholics and the connection between alcoholism and mental health disorders.

five types of alcoholics

Researchers found that they have the highest rates of employment among alcoholics, with 68% working full-time and an average family income of nearly $50,000 a year. Only 8.7% of young adult alcohol dependents have ever sought treatment for their drinking problem. If they do choose to seek help, they tend to prefer 12-step programs over specialty treatment clinics or private professional practices. There’s no one way to describe a ‘typical alcoholic’ since alcoholism develops differently from person to person.

Alcoholism and Mental Health Disorders

Nevertheless, no matter the subtype, alcoholism causes long-term issues that can be detrimental to one’s health and relationships. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence five types of alcoholics (NCADD),,  alcohol is a contributing factor to around 40 percent of all violent crimes reported in the US. Dealing with alcohol addiction can be a challenging and overwhelming experience.

Yes, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be an effective treatment for young antisocial alcoholics who struggle with underlying psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior. This type of therapy can help individuals learn new coping mechanisms and develop healthy habits to replace harmful behaviors like heavy drinking. Young adult alcoholics are typically between the ages of 18 and 25, and tend to engage in binge drinking. They may have grown up in homes where alcohol abuse was common, and may have a family history of alcoholism.

Alcohol Dependence (Alcoholism)

Nearly the same size as the last type, this group represents 19% of US alcoholics. The incidence of mental health disorders is much more common within this type. Around half suffer from clinical depression and an equal amount come from families with generational alcohol dependency. A minority, around 20%, reported having issues with dependence on marijuana or cocaine alongside alcohol. Around one quarter of those in this category seek help for their alcoholism.

  • Periodic inebriety often takes the form of temporary insanity, in which the drinker’s behavior is characterized by mania, violence, or impulsive criminal behavior.
  • This group has a higher education level than most but not as high as the functional subtype.
  • One way to help remove that barrier to treatment would be to support these people in seeking affordable insurance options, treatment grants, scholarships, or loans.
  • Yes, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be an effective treatment for young antisocial alcoholics who struggle with underlying psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior.
  • Instead, antisocial alcoholics drink alone and typically struggle with co-occurring mental health problems.