By July 2, 2024

GW-501516 and AICAR: Peptides that Increase Endurance and Burn Fat Articles and Blog

A 2-hr hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp were conducted with a prime and continuous infusion of insulin at a rate of 2.5 mU/kg/min, coupled with a variable infusion of 40% glucose to maintain blood glucose at 6 mM. Blood glucose was measured via tail bleed every 5 minutes in the 1st hour to achieve stable blood glucose levels and every 10 minutes until the end of the 2-hour clamp to maintain constant blood glucose levels. The rate of whole body glucose turnover was estimated using a continuous infusion of [3-3H]-glucose at 0.1 µCi/min.

As expected, AMPK phosphorylation (Thr172) increased in ING, RP, and EPI fat depots after 4 and 8 weeks of AICAR treatment. AMPK content in all fat depots was reduced in the AICAR group at week 4, an effect no longer present at week 8. ACC phosphorylation and protein content were markedly reduced at week 4 in ING, RP, and EPI fat pads; however the suppressive effect of AICAR on this variable was reversed at the 8 week time point with increased ACC content (Fig. 4A). Palmitate oxidation increased in ING and RP adipocytes by ∼1.46- and 1.84-fold, respectively, after 4 weeks of AICAR treatment, with no change observed in EPI cells (Fig. 4B–D). Conversely, after 8 weeks of AICAR treatment, intra-adipocyte palmitate oxidation reduced by 40%, 53%, and 48% in ING, RP, and EPI adipocytes, respectively (Fig. 4E–). Quantification of all WAT blots from 4 and 8 week animals are available in supplementary Figs.

  • Even if a minor but barely detectable activation occurs, the decrease in fat mass is most likely ascribable to events taking place outside the adipose tissue, keeping the proposed antilipolytic effect of AICAR in mind (31).
  • Cycling also prevents the body from tolerating the steroid, ensuring continued effectiveness.
  • In a previous study, it was reported that SIRT1 protein expression levels were increased in EDL muscle following administration of a single dose of AICAR to rats [24].
  • Despite a very good response in one out of four patients, the trial was stopped because the highest dose of AICAr caused serious renal side effects in patients with severe comorbidities [10].
  • Further studies are required to investigate possible direct actions of AICAR on specific hypothalamic sites involved in the control of food intake and energy homeostasis.

When injected with leptin, Growth hormone order online control rats ate 35% less after 4 h compared with saline-injected controls, indicating a robust response to leptin administration. Interestingly, when injected with both AICAR and leptin, animals exhibited a further significant reduction in food intake of 23% compared with animals treated with AICAR alone. This equated to a profound ∼46% reduction in food intake when compared with control animals injected with saline.

Food intake, body weight, fat mass, and adipocyte morphology

Insulin-mediated glucose uptake (Rg′) and glycogen synthesis in muscle both were markedly increased 24 h after AICAR injection. It is interesting that the enhancement of Rg′ was relatively greater in white than in red muscle. The reason for this is not clear, but it is in keeping with the observation that the acute stimulation of glucose transport by AICAR is greater in white than in red muscles (17,18). Although white muscle (type IIb) fibers account for ∼70% of the total muscle mass in the rat (31), insulin-mediated glucose uptake is quantitatively much greater in red than in white muscle (Fig. 3A and B) (32). This may explain why the increase in insulin action on muscle was not reflected in the whole-body glucose disposal measurement.

Might fight cancer

Tissue-specific glucose uptake was estimated by a bolus administration of 10 µCi 2-deoxy-D-[1-14C]-glucose 45 minutes before the end of clamp experiments. We then determined the potential of SIRT1-deficient macrophages to become pro-inflammatory M1 macrophage [26], [27]. Bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) from MSKO or fl/fl control mice were treated with the Th1 cytokine IFN-γ and the microbial trigger LPS, known inducers of M1 activation [26], and the expression of iNOS, the prototypic marker of M1 macrophages, was then measured [28]. We found that SIRT1-deficient macrophages displayed a significant increase in basal and IFN-γ/LPS-stimulated iNOS expression, suggesting that SIRT1 deletion promotes activation of M1 macrophages (Fig. 3B). On the other hand, M2 macrophages are normally induced by the Th2 cytokines such as IL-4, which typically stimulate the expression of M2 macrophage markers such as ARG1 and macrophage galactose-type c-type lectin 1 (MGL1).

Experiment 1: acute responses after AICAR injection.

Fasting plasma glucose was measured in duplicate immediately after sampling on a Beckman Glucose Analyzer II (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto, CA). Serum FFAs were measured enzymatically using a Wako NEFA (nonesterified fatty acid) Test Kit (Wako Chemicals, Richmond, VA). Plasma insulin levels were determined using an ultrasensitive Rat Insulin ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Kit from DRG Diagnostics (Marburg, Germany).

Our data showed that SIRT1-deficient BMDMs exhibited a significant decrease in IL-4-stimulated expression of M2 macrophage markers ARG1 and MGL1 (Fig. 3C), suggesting that SIRT1 deficiency inhibits alternative activation of M2 macrophages. In sum, our data demonstrate that macrophage SIRT1 regulates macrophage polarization by exerting a coordinated control over inhibition of M1 and stimulation of M2 macrophage activation. However, most of the drugs that increase the level of endogenous ZMP act to activate AMPK so that it is difficult to completely rule out the possible involvement of AMPK in antiproliferative effects. An inhibitor of AICAR transformylase (AICART), an enzyme that catalyzes the last two steps of purine de novo synthesis and metabolizes AICAR, induces an increase in the level of AICAR or ZMP, and endogenous ZMP was capable of activating AMPK and its downstream signaling pathways [105]. The antifolate pemetrexed inhibits the folate-dependent enzyme in de novo purine biosynthesis, increases ZMP, and activates AMPK [106].